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Introduction to Erasmus+ Programme and specifically to Cooperation Partnerships

A photo of Europe's Global Map
Europe's Global Map

Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships are transnational projects that aim to enhance the quality, relevance, and impact of activities across various sectors. These partnerships facilitate collaboration among organizations and institutions involved in the fields of school, youth, adult education and sport. The primary objectives include:

  • to promote learning mobility of individuals and groups, as well as cooperation, quality, inclusion and equity, excellence, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of education and training;

  • to promote non-formal and informal learning mobility and active participation among young people, as well as cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of youth;

  • to promote learning mobility of sport staff, as well as cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of sport organisations and sport policies.

Cooperation Partnerships are anchored to the priorities and policy frameworks of each Erasmus+ sector, both at European and national levels. They promote cross-sectoral and horizontal cooperation, fostering transformative change within organizations and sectors. The priorities are:

  • Inclusion and Diversity

  • Digital Transformation

  • Environment and fight against climate change

  • Participation in democratic life, common values and civic engagement

The following features of the Erasmus Programme deserve special attention:

  • Respect for EU Values: The Erasmus+ Programme places a strong emphasis on promoting and upholding European Union (EU) values. These values include democracy, human rights, equality, and social inclusion. By fostering cross-cultural exchanges and mobility, Erasmus+ encourages mutual understanding and respect among participants from different backgrounds and cultures.

  • Protection, Health, and Safety of Participants: Ensuring the well-being of participants is a top priority. Erasmus+ provides guidelines and support to guarantee the safety and health of students, teachers, and staff during their mobility experiences. This includes risk assessments, health insurance coverage, and emergency protocols.

  • Multilingualism: Erasmus+ celebrates linguistic diversity. Participants have the opportunity to learn and communicate in various languages, enhancing their intercultural competence. Language learning is not only about communication; it also fosters a deeper understanding of cultural nuances and promotes tolerance.

  • International Dimension: Erasmus+ extends beyond European borders. It collaborates with partner countries worldwide, allowing for global mobility and cooperation. By engaging with international institutions, Erasmus+ contributes to a more interconnected and globally aware educational landscape.

  • Recognition and Validation of Skills and Qualifications: Erasmus+ recognizes the value of skills acquired through mobility experiences. Whether it’s studying abroad, completing an internship, or volunteering, participants gain competencies that are transferable across borders. The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) ensures that learning outcomes are acknowledged and integrated into formal education systems.

  • Communicating Projects and Their Results to Maximize Impact: Erasmus+ projects generate valuable outcomes. Disseminating these results effectively is crucial. By sharing success stories, best practices, and innovative approaches, Erasmus+ maximizes its impact. Communication channels include conferences, publications, and digital platforms.

  • Erasmus+ Open Access Requirement for Educational Materials: Erasmus+ promotes openness and accessibility. Educational materials developed within the program should be openly available to benefit a wider audience. This approach encourages collaboration, knowledge sharing, and continuous improvement.

  • Erasmus+ Open Access for Research and Data: Research findings and data generated by Erasmus+ projects contribute to evidence-based policies and practices. Open access ensures that research outcomes are freely accessible, fostering transparency, innovation, and informed decision-making.

Fields of Work in Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships

  • School:

    • Objective: Enhancing the quality of education, promoting innovation, and fostering collaboration among schools and educational institutions.

    • Example of Activities:

      • Curriculum development and modernization.

      • Teacher training and professional development.

      • Exchange of best practices.

      • Joint projects to improve teaching and learning.

  • Youth:

    • Objective: Empowering young people, promoting active citizenship, and enhancing their employability skills.

    • Example of Activities:

      • Youth exchanges: Cross-cultural experiences and learning.

      • Leadership development programs.

      • Social inclusion initiatives.

      • Projects addressing youth unemployment and entrepreneurship.

  • Adult Education:

    • Objective: Supporting lifelong learning and professional development for adults.

    • Example of Activities:

      • Training programmes for adult educators.

      • Upskilling and reskilling opportunities.

      • Innovative approaches to adult learning.

      • Collaboration with employers and community organizations.

  • Sport:

    • Objective: Promoting physical activity, healthy lifestyles, and social inclusion through sports.

    • Example of Activities:

      • Coach training and capacity building.

      • Grassroots sports initiatives.

      • Projects emphasizing values like fair play and teamwork.

Now let's examine an example of a Youth Programme under Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships.

Project Focus Areas:

  • Youth partnerships can address diverse themes, including:

  • Youth empowerment

  • Skill development

  • Social inclusion

  • Active citizenship

  • Intercultural experiences

A photo of youth individuals examining technological devices
Cooperation Partnerships under the field of Youth

Project Example: Enhancing International Collaboration in Youth Education

Context and Background

The KA220-YOU programme aims to empower youth through international cooperation. Our project focuses on fostering cross-cultural understanding, promoting active citizenship, and enhancing employability skills.


  1. Youth Empowerment: We aim to empower young people by providing them with opportunities for personal growth, leadership development, and intercultural experiences.

  2. Skills Enhancement: Facilitating skill development in areas such as digital literacy, communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

  3. Social Inclusion: Promoting inclusivity by engaging marginalized youth, refugees, and those with fewer opportunities.

  4. Community Engagement: Encouraging youth to actively participate in community projects, volunteer work, and social initiatives.


The example project consists of 5 work packages (WPs) that have activities for achieving project objectives. The activities must be justified through various means (i.e., deliverables, data collection) and must have specific KPIs. Let's have a look!

Please note that the below are not project tasks but guidelines for understanding project writing common principles.

  • Project Management and Governance (WP1):

    • Planning and Coordination:

      • Detail plan of project activities, define objectives and allocate resources for each partner.

      • Establish a clear roadmap, including timelines and milestones (Gantt Chart, Pert Chart).

      • Foster effective communication among project partners.

    • Risk Management:

      • Identify potential risks related to project execution, finances, and external factors.

      • Develop strategies to mitigate risks and ensure project continuity.

    • Reporting and Documentation of Financial Reporting:

      • Maintain transparent financial practices.

      • Track expenses, manage funds, and adhere to co-funding guidelines.

    • Quality Assurance and Monitoring:

      • Set quality standards for project outputs.

      • Regularly evaluate progress and outcomes.

      • Implement feedback loops for continuous improvement.

  • Project Training Design and Creation (WP2):

    • Needs Assessment:

      • Conduct a thorough assessment to identify youth needs, challenges, and aspirations.

    • Goal Definition of training material:

      • Clearly define training goals, outcomes, and indicators.

      • Align project training activities with these objectives.

  • Youth Workshops (WP3):

    • Workshops on Key Topics:

      • Organize workshops covering leadership, cultural diversity, and employability.

    • Soft Skills and Digital Tools Training:

      • Provide training in soft skills (communication, teamwork) and project management.

      • Equip participants with digital literacy skills.

    • Peer Learning and Mentorship:

      • Foster peer-to-peer learning and

      • mentorship opportunities.

  • Youth Mobility and Exchanges (WP4):

    • Cross-Cultural Experiences:

      • Facilitate youth exchanges, study visits, and internships across partner countries.

      • Encourage dialogue and understanding among diverse groups.

    • Active Citizenship and Global Awareness:

      • Promote active participation and global citizenship.

      • Enhance participants’ awareness of global issues.

  • Dissemination and Sustainability (WP5):

    • Communication Strategy:

Remember that each Cooperation Partnership is unique, and tailored to specific goals and contexts. Whether it’s education, youth, or sport, these partnerships contribute to positive change and collaboration across borders.


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